Acrylic Waterproofing – High Performance Paint & Liquid

Acrylic Waterproofing systems are suitable for sealing concrete, galvanized sheeting, old tiles and timber. It is exceptional durability, flexibility and UV resistant. Find out more! Contact Us Today!

Liquid waterproofing products & systems

Two of the liquid acrylic waterproofing systems our contractors prefer working with are the Pekay Q147 Acrylic Wall / Roof Paint and the Pekay F835 Acryl-Seal high build liquid waterproofing systems.

Acrylic Waterproofing System
Acrylic Waterproofing
High Performance Acrylic Waterproofing Paint & Liquid

Acrylic Wall and Roof PaintPekay Q147

Pekay Q147 is an acrylic copolymer/pigment blend designed for applications where exceptional durability, flexibility and UV resistance is required. It is particularly suited for use as a protective coating on roof coverings of all kinds and is ideal for rejuvenating faded roof tiles. Pekay Q147 is also recommended as a top quality wall and floor coating, where durability and wash-ability is required.


  • Non flammable and non toxic;
  • May be applied by brush, roller or spray;
  • Available in a variety of attractive colours;
  • Easy cleanup.


Pekay Q147 has been specifically designed as a multipurpose coating and is suitable for application to the following substrates : Asbestos, cement, concrete, brickwork, bitumen roofing felt, galvanized sheeting, felt, galvanized sheeting, wooden shingles and a wide variety of roof tiles.


Acryl-Seal high build, liquid waterproofing system: Pekay F835

Liquid waterproofing suitable for sealing concrete, galvanized sheeting, old tiles and timber. Apply at 2,5ltr per sq M. Use with supporting membrane Y70. Apply by brush. Pekay 835 “Acryl-Seal” is a seamless waterproofing system of outstanding quality and versatility.

It is non-bituminous and liquid applied, curing to a tough elastomeric compound, which has excellent durability, weathering characteristics and chemical resistance. The system consists of five coats of Pekay “Acryl-Seal” applied in combination with reinforcing membrane.

Features for Pekay “Acryl-Seal”:

  • Withstands all ambient temperatures;
  • Is resistant to degradation by ultra violet rays;
  • Has a high degree of resistance to abrasion and traffic;
  • Has been S.A.B.S. tested for 1000 hours without deterioration;
  • Being a brushable or sprayable liquid, it can be applied to areas which are normally not easily accessible;
  • Suitable for application to vertical surfaces without slumping;
  • Not affected to exposure of frost exposure of frost;
  • Water-based polymer facilitates easy cleanup;
  • Resists mould and fungus growth;
  • Will not loose its flexibility;
  • Non-toxic.


Applying the Acryl-Seal System: Waterproofing Details


Parapet Wall Waterproofing

All corners must be rounded off where vertical sections occur. This may be achieved by using a triangular or by shaping the concrete screed.

Where the parapet wall is topped by a coping stone the membrane must be taken at least two-thirds (2/3) of the way up the wall. It should be split into two sections: the base piece should be brought up the side for at least 20cm while a counter-flash strip, coming from 2/3 of the way up the vertical face, should be brought down to overlap the base piece by at least 20cm.

Flat topped parapet walls must be completely covered to the edge of the outside wall. The F835 system which forms the base piece must be taken up the side of the parapet wall for at least 20 cm, while a second F835 system must be drawn down from the top of the par of the parapet wall to overlap the first by at least 20 cm.


Full Bore Outlet Waterproofing

The waterproofing system must be installed before the full-bore assembly can be put in place.

The outlet hole should be completely covered with the F835 system when the flat roof is laid. While the system is still wet, the portion over the hole must be opened by slicing the membrane into segments and adhering the segments to the inside surface of the outlet.

A bandage of the F835 system must be prepared and used to cover the exposed areas of the outlet. The full-bore should be fitted in place while the F835 is still wet to allow it to conform to the shape of the full-bore.


Gargoyle-Type Rainwater Outlet Waterproofing

The F835 system must be applied in exactly the same way as for the full-bore outlets described above. Since a gargoyle type outlet will usually be found on a vertical surface the F835 system must in this case be taken up the side of the vertical to a point at least 30cm beyond the top of the outlet. The membrane must be sliced and dressed as before.


Vertically Protruding Pipe Waterproofing

When vertically protruding pipes are encountered on a roof deck, a suitably sized hole should be cut in the membrane to accommodate the pipe while the system is being laid. Later a separate dressing should be approximately square and extend away from the protrusion for at least 30cm on all sides. Slits should be cut in the center of the dressing and the membrane drawn up the pipe. The upstand portion is then covered with a bandage of 835 impregnated membrane to a height of at least 20cm.


Box Gutter Waterproofing

The F835 system must be applied up the vertical walls of the box gutter so that it extends at least 20cm above the maximum water level. The sidepieces are done first: They must round the corners for 10cm and must extend 20cm into the base. The base piece is to be laid first and must consist of a single piece cut to size. The top of the membrane, where it extends up the wall, should be counter-flashed with F835 impregnated membrane.


Flat Roof Expansion Joint Waterproofing

Expansion joints are a particularly critical area on any roof as they are sensitive to water leakage, especially if they are incorrectly designed.

The roof design should be such that water runs away from the expansion joint: the joint should preferably be raised 10-15cm above roof level. To obtain a watertight joint, the roof deck should be saw-cut and sealed with tailor-made sealants such as Pekay M673 Polyurethane Joint Sealant. The F835 system must be taken right up to the edge of the joint and, if necessary, be counter-flashed.

For expansion joints where the total movement is less than 10mm a “slip-sheet” system may be used in place of a joint sealant. The joint is covered with 150mm wide “Kraftex” Grade 22 or polyethylene sheet. The F835 system is laid on top of the entire assembly. Expansion joints thus treated should be inspected regularly.



The F835 system may be used without modification on areas where light pedestrian traffic is expected, for example washing line areas. Regular inspection is however necessary, as there is a greater possibility of mechanical damage occurring, and no long-term maintenance–free guarantees can be given. Where medium to heavy pedestrian traffic is expected, paving stones must be loose-laid onto the roof deck. Ideally, rubber rings should be used to lift the paving stones off the surface and therefor prevent mechanical damage.

Where paving is required for roof gardens, it is necessary to lay a double F835 system first. Consultation with a Pekay technician is needed for a detailed specification of this type of system. A 20mm thick bed of course river sand must be laid on top of the waterproofing and the paving laid into this.


At ECO Roofing we always strive to provide our clients with a higher quality products at a competitive price! Get a quote today!